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School Year 2024/2025

Welcome back to all the pupils and staff and a big welcome to the 7 new Junior Infants

who have joined us this year.

We said goodbye to 13th pupils from Sixth class in June and we wish them well in their secondary school education

The Funky Kids workshop wilth Denis and Olivia will begin this Wednesday 18th September for 10 weeks until Christmas when the children will give a performance on Wednesday 4th December.

Music Generation will commence in the school on Thursday 19th.

Communion and Confirmation Dates

First Communion will take place on Sunday 18th May in Our Ladys of Lourdes Church Skeoughvosteen at 9:30am

Confirmation will take place on Sunday 8th June in Our Ladys of Lourdes Church Skeoughvosteen at 9:30am


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School Year 2022/2023

We would like to welcome our 10 new Junior Infant pupils to the school this year and also to wish our outgoing sixth class well in the next step in their education.

Junior and Senior Infants will take part in a Bookville Workshop in Graiguenamanagh Library on the 11th October. 

Music Generation 

Music Generation starts in the school on 22nd September

Funky Kids Workshop

All classes will take part in the Funky Kids workshop which begins on Wednesday 28th

The show will take place on the 14th December 2022.

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